Thursday, April 5, 2012

Creating awareness for the disabled

There are a lot of people out there who don't know the difficulties of being "disabled". I put disabled in quotes because there are a lot of people with disabilities whom are just as able as people without. Saying that someone is disabled is like stating that they are unable. It is the context of the word that causes other people to think that people with disabilities are not as capable. People with disabilities are able to a lot of things. For example, before I was accepted into college I thought that it was almost impossible for me to be enrolled. One year later I got an acceptance letter from Georgian College.

Creating awareness for people with disabilities should not be too difficult. In my opinion, people need a better understanding of what its like to be disabled. One thing that people may see is that a lot of disabled people have someone helping them with everything. This includes basic tasks like eating and moving around. Now to some people it may look like they have it easy but thats not always the case.

Since my disability causes tremors in my hands I could not write. Also, I could type the notes out fast enough. For this reason I was assigned an educational assistant to write the notes down for me. The other people in my class had wished they they could have someone do that for them. I, on the other hand did not. I wished that I was able to write the notes myself. Simple activities such as writing are taken for granted.

I am looking for ideas that will get the community involved in some sort of awareness event. If you have any ideas please comment on this post.


  1. Hi, it takes a lot to overcome disability. Your desire to live normal is such commending. I wish you the best in your studies.

    1. Thank you for the comment. Your right, it does take a lot to overcome disability but its worth it in the end.


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